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Album «Pole Vaulter» von Kris Allen

Eine Begegnung verändert die Perspektive

«Joaquin» von Kris Allen
Publiziert: 15.10.2024


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Kris Allen ist ein US-amerikanischer Sänger und Songwriter, der 2009 die achte Staffel von «American Idol» gewann. Er hat mehrere Alben veröffentlicht, darunter «Brand New Shoes» (2007), «Kris Allen» (2009) und «Thank You Camellia» (2012).

Der Song «Joaquin» ist vom Schauspieler Joaquin Phoenix inspiriert.


«Joaquin» von Kris Allen
You got no reason to be scared
Of all those monsters in your head
They help you show us all how to dream
Up on the screen

Who put those worries on your mind
Who’d be so careless and unkind
What is the use in trying to swim downstream
If it just ain’t your scene

I can see your light, your light, your light, your light
Is like a candle
Throwing shadows
Dancing as the wind blows
Seems to me you might, you might, you might, you might
Be on to something
That only heaven knows

Who is to say we’re not all crazy
If I were you I wouldn’t let it phase me
With all of your passion, hope, and empathy
Bursting your seams

I can see your light, your light, your light, your light
Is like a candle
Throwing shadows
Dancing as the wind blows
Seems to me you might, you might, you might, you might
Be on to something
That only heaven knows
Only heavens knows

I can see your light, your light, your light, your light
Is like a candle
Throwing shadows
Dancing as the wind blows
Seems to me you might, you might, you might, you might
Be on to something
That only heaven knows

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