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EP «Order» von Jason Gray

«Order» von Jason Gray – «Order», der Themensong des Projekts

«Auf diesem Album geht es darum, wie es ist, wenn dein Leben rund läuft.»
Publiziert: 10.09.2019 13.09.2019


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Jason Gray veröffentlicht innerhalb eines Jahres drei EPs mit je fünf Songs. Die Trilogie hat das Thema «Order Disorder Reorder», also Ordnung, Unordnung, Neuordnung.

Die erste EP ist nun erhältlich und heisst «Order». «Auf diesem Album geht es darum, wie es ist, wenn dein Leben rund läuft», sagt Jason Gray. «Es läuft alles in den Bahnen von dem, was du gelernt hast und heute weisst.» Die fünf Songs dieses Albums hören wir uns näher an. Auf die Nachfolge-EP «Disorder» sind wir sowohl musikalisch als auch thematisch bereits sehr gespannt.


«Order» von Jason Gray
(Quelle: www.AZLyrics.com)

I thought
Everything was as it should be
I believed that it was all up to me
As if I was in control
Then I lost
Everything I thought that I knew
I couldn’t see that You were leading me to
Something beautiful

Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over
It wouldn’t be the way I choose
But this is how You make me new

So here I am, I’m all in
Though it feels like falling
That’s what it takes for You to break through
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over and over

I thought
The storm would never come to an end
I begged You again and again
To send a miracle
But the storm was
The way You broke my heart open wide
To get to what was hidden inside
And call it beautiful

Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over and over

So here I am, I’m all in
Though it feels like falling
If that’s what it takes for You to break through
Give me the faith when I’m afraid to say
Here I go, I’m ready
I know You won’t forget me
You’ll give me the grace to find a way through
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over and over

I don’t really wanna change
If I’m telling You the truth
But like it or not, Your love won’t stop
Till it makes me new
So give me all that You got
From the bottom to top
Till I look like You

Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over
It wouldn’t be the way I choose
But this is how You make me new

So here I am, I’m all in
Though it feels like falling
If that’s what it takes for You to break through
Give me the faith when I’m afraid to say
Here I go, I’m ready I know
You won’t forget me
Give me the grace to find a way through
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over and over

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