Wir berichten über Gott und die Welt
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Song «Flesh and Bone» von Emma Nissen

Alle sind Kinder von Gott

«Flesh and Bone» von Emma Nissen
Publiziert: 09.04.2024


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Emma Nissen ist eine junge Sängerin aus den USA. Ihr Song «Flesh and Bone» besagt, dass wir alle aus Fleisch und Knochen bestehen und jeder von uns ein Kind von Gott ist.

«Flesh and Bone» von Emma Nissen
Imperfect, but complete
I’ve found completion
At Your feet

And I’m one out of a hundred sheep
But you know me
And how my heart beats

And when I’m hurting
I know where to turn
I’ve seen it time and time again
You leave the 99 just for the one

The hosts of heaven saying
Come as you are and I’ll give you a home
Come as you are, you don’t have to be lone sons and daughters
Flesh and bone

The hosts of heaven saying
Come as you are and I’ll give you a home
Come as you are, you don’t have to be lone sons and daughters
Flesh and bone

I may being walking
A path of my own
But it feels good here
I’m learning what’s home

And if I stay here
For days to come
I know you always loving me
For the good in my bones

The hosts of heaven saying
Come as you are and I’ll give you a home
Come as you are, you don’t have to be lone sons and daughters
Flesh and bone

The hosts of heaven saying
Come as you are and I’ll give you a home
Come as you are, you don’t have to be lone sons and daughters
Flesh and bone

There’s no one way
To look like a child of God
Though the world may say it
It simply isn’t true

The hosts of heaven saying
Come as you are and I’ll give you a home
Come as you are, you don’t have to be lone sons and daughters
Flesh and bone

The hosts of heaven saying
Come as you are and I’ll give you a home
Come as you are, you don’t have to be lone sons and daughters
Flesh and bone

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