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Album «Stand Up Tall» von Alyssa Newton

«Holidays» von Alyssa Newton

Von ihrem Album «Stand Up Tall»
Publiziert: 21.11.2023


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«Holidays» hat Alyssa Newton für die Hochzeit ihrer Schwester geschrieben.

«Holidays» von Alyssa Newton
I don’t wanna grow up but I guess I have to
And I blame it on something called ambition
That made me relocate my roots
More than a few states between us two
But I’ll drive through the night in June to see you

Just give me some dates and I’ll be right there at your place
Sipping champagne with no reason to celebrate
‚Cause it’s more than once a season and I’m thinking about you
Don’t want you to be someone I only see around the

I’ve been putting away a cuppa box each day and a coffee can
There are people I love I don’t see too much
And I won’t let you be one of them
So I’m spending my tips on trips and memories that we’ll make
It’s not easy but we’re keeping up with the change

So just give me some dates and I’ll be right there at your place
Sipping champagne with no reason to celebrate
’Cause it’s more than once a season and I’m thinking about you
Don’t want you to be someone I only see around the

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